[dc]S[/dc]undance Film Festival 2013 was without a doubt an incredible experience!  I know it’s cliche, but the energy in Park City is what I would describe as magical, romantic and charming.  The snowy mountains and beautiful historic architecture are similar to something you’d see in a movie with a magical storyline.

I’m so thankful to the team at AMC Networks for making my first visit to the festival so amazing!  We watched films, relaxed, feasted and partied.

Sundance Film Festival Highlights For Me:

  • Attending the premier of ‘Fruitvale’: I feel like I’ve had the chance to be present for a part of history in the world of film.  This movie was so moving and the message is so powerful.  It’s also nice to see newcomer and 26 year-old director Ryan Coogler hit such a homerun on his first film effort.  Click here to read my review. (Fruitvale has since won U. S. Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic & Audience Award: U. S. Dramatic presented by Acura in the Sundance Film Festival Awards).

'Fruitvale' Movie Premier Ticket

  • The Dining (and particularly Mustang): The food was incredible for my entire stay in Park City.  We feasted at several restaurants, but one that particularly stands out is Mustang.  Located on Main Street and surrounded by string-lit trees and bon fires, this is a cozy yet sophisticated restaurant tucked away in a corner.  The meal was delicious and they serve the best creme brulee!

Main Street
AMC Networks Dinners

Spa Day

  • Spending time with the fam!

Kelli Chel Juana